Atanto is the brainchild of an Etsy seller, just like you. We understand the passion, dedication, and hard work that goes into running a home business, especially when it’s built on the unique foundation of handmade or vintage treasures. Our journey began with a simple realization: while creating is a labor of love, listing products can be a labor of time. That’s where Atanto steps in.
Crafted with You in Mind
For crafty entrepreneurs who pour their hearts into creating one-of-a-kind items, Atanto is here to make the other side of your business just as enjoyable. We know the thought of integrating AI into your creative process might seem daunting. That’s why we’ve designed Atanto to be as friendly, approachable, and easy-to-use as possible. Our app was created not just for the technically savvy but for anyone with a vision and a dream.
Transforming How You List on Etsy
Listing your products on Etsy is now as simple as taking a photo or writing a simple description of your item. Atanto takes over the time-consuming task of crafting the perfect title, description, and tags for your products. It’s like having a personal assistant who knows the ins and outs of Etsy selling, understands the importance of keywords, and ensures your items shine in the marketplace.
Saving You Hundreds of Hours
Our primary goal is to give you back your time. Time that you can spend creating more beautiful items, brainstorming new ideas, or even just enjoying a well-deserved break. Imagine saving hundreds of hours that would otherwise be spent on listing items. With Atanto, that’s not just a possibility; it’s a reality.